
Monday Feb 05, 2018
Orinthal #13: All Fired Up
Monday Feb 05, 2018
Monday Feb 05, 2018
The party investigates the temple to Lathander and tries to find out why the Whispered Ones marked it on a map. The tired party moves through a city in the midst of celebration and walks into the belly of the beast to face off against an enemy that confirms all their worst fears. Syldan spots a strange figure in a crowd, Torr discovers a nearly impossible to find door, Darryl faces a terrifying truth, Kalima's suspicions continue to grow, and Sarya wrestles with the weight of the situation.
Today’s episode includes a promo for Merely Roleplayers, a podcast where theatrical people play roleplaying games! Check them out at https://merelyroleplayers.podbean.com/, and tell them we sent you. ;)
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Jan 29, 2018
Orinthal: Thoven's Journey into the Shadowfell
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Thoven describes the harrowing experience that he and his allies had as they traveled through the realm of the ghouls, the Shadowfell. Learn from the hero of the Cataclysm as he had to make one of the toughest decisions in his long life and discover the secret of how the great adventurers of the Cataclysm learned of the leader of the ghoulish and draconic forces, Zinnath the Dark Tyrant. We hope this story doesn't leave you scarred!
Today’s episode includes a promo for Chaotic Goodness, an Uncharted Worlds actual play podcast! Check them out at https://www.chaoticgoodnesspodcast.com, and tell them we sent you. ;)
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Future Gladiator by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Jan 22, 2018
Orinthal #12: A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Lose
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Monday Jan 22, 2018
The party meet with Thoven as he provides information and an ally when the party is uncertain as to who to trust. Sarya resists swooning, Kalima rolls her eyes, Daryll tries to learn all he can, Torr comes to regret his deals, and Syldan takes a punch to the face. The party receives a bit of brevity and a laugh before they head off to try and discover why the Whispered Ones have marked places of interest. Can they discover what the plans of this Ralayan is before it is too late?
Today’s episode includes a promo for Chaotic Goodness, an Uncharted Worlds actual play podcast! Check them out at https://www.chaoticgoodnesspodcast.com, and tell them we sent you. ;)
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Jan 15, 2018
Orinthal: The Story of Vral Humblefire
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Learn more about the enigmatic leader of the Shadow Wolves and discover how he came to Orinthal. Learn from Vral as to what motivated him to create his group, if you believe him that is. Spoilers for those that have not caught up to episode 11 yet and we hope you can join us for the hunt!
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Grim League by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Future Gladiator by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Jan 08, 2018
Orinthal #11: The Party Reunited
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Finally back together, the party shares what they have learned with each other and with Vral. Torr discovers there was more to his deal than he realized and Vral shares how he became what he is, though brief. As the party continue to put the pieces together as to what the goal of the Whispered Ones and this Ralayan truly is, Vral reveals a new piece to the puzzle that could lead the party to the lair of their enemies.
Today’s episode includes a promo for the Law & DISORDER podcast! Check them out at http://www.thatsnotcanonproductions.com/law-disorder-1, and tell them we sent you. ;)
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Jan 01, 2018
Orinthal: Join us at the Table
Monday Jan 01, 2018
Monday Jan 01, 2018
SPOILER WARNING! If you have not listened up to episode 10 there will be some spoilers discussed. We discuss events that have occured in the campaign so far and explore the thoughts and ideas of the players on potential future events.

Monday Dec 25, 2017
Orinthal #10: A Whole Lotta Nope
Monday Dec 25, 2017
Monday Dec 25, 2017
As the battle with Folmar comes to a close the party learn the truth behind why those who have disappeared acted strangely before vanishing. As Sarya comes to terms with facing her former trainer, Syldan’s worry over his little ones only grows as he has firmly made his decision to go against the Whispered Ones. Kalima meanwhile continues to hold to her military training and her deity’s calling to eliminate undead while Darryl reveals a figurine that could aid them in the coming struggles.
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Dec 11, 2017
Orinthal #9: Mind over Matter
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Monday Dec 11, 2017
As Torr follows Firo to the strange meeting with Bai Agosto, the rest of the party continue on to find the woman who essentially raised Sarya. Kalima senses undead though knows it will have to wait as the party comes face-to-face with Folmar, a powerful warrior and loyal servant to the enigmatic Whispered Ones. Daryll burns a rug, Syldan worries over his choices, Kalima holds her ground, and Sarya displays the power of her angelic heritage.
Today’s episode includes a promo for The Rules Lawyers, Dungeons and Dragons actual play” podcast, mixing the rules of Adventurer’s League and the role playing of a homebrew campaign! Check them out at https://ruleslawyers.podbean.com, and tell them we sent you. ;)
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Dec 04, 2017
Orinthal: Xanather's Guide Character Review!
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Monday Dec 04, 2017
Three of the Unearthed Arcana classes that our players use in DnD RAW are now official in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. There have been a few changes that we won’t be making to our existing characters in the podcast, but we wanted to highlight here. Check out our thoughts on these changes and our opinion in general of Xanathar's Guide.

Monday Nov 27, 2017
Orinthal #8: One Small Step for Dwarves
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Monday Nov 27, 2017
Torr follows the strange quickly Firo into the lair of the mysterious Bai Agosto. Follow our Inquisitive Dwarf while he attempts to put his memory back together as he traverses the web of illusions and images that are thrust at him in the hopes of regaining his lost research. As Torr comes face to face with his past he makes a deal that he quickly realizes may become much more dangerous than it seems.
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Nov 20, 2017
Orinthal: The Fable of Bai Agosto
Monday Nov 20, 2017
Monday Nov 20, 2017
We have a special episode where we discuss the myth of Bai Agosto. Discover more about this mysterious entity's dark past and how she became the strange entity became who she is today. Learn of her lost love, her lost sight, and her motivation for doing what she does. Or at least what the myth says about her. Enjoy the episode dears!
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Dark Walk by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Arcadia - Wonders by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Nov 13, 2017
Orinthal #7: The Plot Quickens
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
After the party speaks with Captain Marsk they continue their investigation of the nearly destroyed documents and learn of plots to control others. Syldan muses over the kidnapping of his “little ones,” Kalima prepares for dealing with undead, Daryll receives visions, Sarya discovers some disturbing information, and a messenger comes to collect Torr for a meeting that could change his life.
Today’s episode includes a promo for Seasons of Skyrend, a roleplaying podcast! Check them out at http://skyrendpodcast.com, and tell them we sent you. ;)
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Nov 06, 2017
Rules: Powergaming
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
We discuss min/maxing and powergaming and share our opinion about when players take it too far. We also review Andrew Cawood's The World of Myrr Campain Setting as well as his other supplemental material for fifth edition.
Note: This is a repost from our old feed that we just wanted to share. :)
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Oct 30, 2017
Orinthal #6: Thanks for the Memories
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Syldan begins to come to terms with the consequences of being so open about those he cares for as the party attempts to learn from the little monk, Elsys what happened. Sarya sees memories through the girl’s eyes, Daryll attempts to understand the magic influencing Elsys, and Kalima gathers her divine powers to try and heal the young half-elf. Torr, however, is visited by the mysterious Bai Agosto and begins to delve deeper into the issues with his own memory.
Today’s episode includes a promo for A Quest for Magic and Steele, a SteeleEmpire Dungeons and Dragons Adventure podcast! Check them out at https://magicandsteele.com, and tell them we sent you. ;)
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Oct 23, 2017
Rules: Artemis Entreri
Monday Oct 23, 2017
Monday Oct 23, 2017
This episode we discussed another character from the Drizzt Series, Artemis Entreri, and his rather evil arsenal.
Note: This is a repost from our old feed that we just wanted to share. :)
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Oct 16, 2017
Orinthal #5: A Dwarf's Revenge
Monday Oct 16, 2017
Monday Oct 16, 2017
The party face off against the powerful Traubon Strakhelm quickly realizing that they may have taken on much more than they bargained for. Fireballs, Cones of Cold, and Psionic Attacks fill the episode as our players take on the “dwarf” that stole Torr’s research. Listen in as Kalima keeps Darryl alive against all odds and as Syldan discovers some terrible repercussions to his actions.
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Oct 02, 2017
Orinthal #4: The Mystery Deepens
Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
The mystery deepens as the party chase after a shadowy figure and find one answer they have been searching for only to come up with dozens more questions. They continue their quest to find those who are missing as they follow the figure, avoid traps, and confront Kalima’s former ally, Mellekah.
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Sep 18, 2017
Orinthal #3: Fighting in the Streets
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
The party gets serious and shows off what they can really do in a fight! The party presses on from their meeting and decide to investigate the Low Hills in search of Kalima’s former ally, Mellekah. They discover more about each other as they come across new mysteries and learn why the Low Hills are avoided at night.
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Sep 04, 2017
Orinthal #2: The Whispered Ones
Monday Sep 04, 2017
Monday Sep 04, 2017
Our heroes discover that the group calling themselves the Whispered Ones has influenced all of their lives in some way or another. Daryll finds himself fascinated with the creatures that help give the Shadow Wolves their name. Torr learns his encounter with the old blind woman may not be all he remembers. Sarya reveals her connection to these Whispered Ones and the terrible way in which she was raised. Syldan discovers his monastery may have been attacked by something undead and Kalima continues to grow angry with the enigmatic Vral as she sees his attempts to manipulate her with knowledge of her past. Listen in as connections form amongst the party and they begin to make their plans to combat these Whispered Ones and search for those who have disappeared!
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Aug 28, 2017
Rules: Metagaming
Monday Aug 28, 2017
Monday Aug 28, 2017
We cover a more philosophical discussion on metagaming: what it is and how it can break the game for your players.
Note: This is a repost from our old feed that we just wanted to share. :)
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Aug 21, 2017
Orinthal #1: Our Heroes Meet
Monday Aug 21, 2017
Monday Aug 21, 2017
Insight checks and deception rolls galore as a mistrustful group of adventurers meet. Join us as Sarya begins to show off her powers and realizes her affinity for pranking dwarves, especially Torr. Follow along as Daryll shares some witticism, Syldan learns what a pun is, and Kalima is not amused. Our heroes finally gather together for the meeting with Vral Humblefire and Gerbo Garrick. Listen in as Torr, Sarya, Syldan, Daryll, and Kalima all meet their new teammates as they begin to learn what each of them bring to the table and what has brought them all to this meeting.

Monday Aug 14, 2017
Orinthal: History of the Cataclysm
Monday Aug 14, 2017
Monday Aug 14, 2017
We wanted to go more into the history of Austea, specifically a bigger focus on the events of the Cataclysm. The Cataclysm began suddenly and without warning as far as the humanoid races of the world were concerned.
Read more on our World of Austea page. Also check out our player back stories.
Sarya - Now available!
Torr - Now available!
Kalima - Now available!
Darryl - Now available!
Syldan - Now available!

Monday Aug 07, 2017
Orinthal: Meet Syldan
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Meet Syldan, the Wood Elf Order of the Kensai Monk, as he works closely with the royal guards to protect important figures while remaining hidden in a crowd. It is not long before this far traveler, with his desire to protect those few young monks that are entrusted to his care, causes him to become entangled in the strange disappearances that have occurred in the city lately. Follow Syldan as he discovers the death of his former master was not all that it appeared to be. Learn more about his past on our backstories page.

Monday Jul 24, 2017
Orinthal: Meet Daryll
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Meet Daryll, the Human Evocation Wizard, as he goes through his day at Zoxiara's Academy of the Arcane. Follow along as he learns of his instructor's disappearance and begins his journey to find those who have acted strangely before disappearing entirely. Learn more about his past on our backstories page.
Check back for our last character intro:
Syldan - Now available!

Monday Jul 17, 2017
Rules: Volo's Guide
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Monday Jul 17, 2017
We talk about our first impressions from Volo's guide!
Note: This is a repost from our old feed that we just wanted to share. :)

Monday Jul 10, 2017
Orinthal: Meet Kalima
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Meet Kalima, the Half-elf Cleric of the Grave Domain, as she escorts the ambassador of the far off lands of the Nephenee. It is not long before Kalima finds herself out of place among the extravagant luxuries of the Adamantine Palace. Follow her story as her aid as a cleric of Kelemvor is eventually requested and shortly thereafter she learns of the strange disappearances that have plagued the poorer districts lately. Along with news of the return of an old friend long thought dead. Learn more about her past on our backstories page.
Check back for our other character intros:
Daryll - Now available!
Syldan - Now available!

Monday Jul 03, 2017
Rules: How to Get Lucky
Monday Jul 03, 2017
Monday Jul 03, 2017
We discuss "luck" in its many forms and how it can impact the game from a mechanic and narrative perspective.
Note: This is a repost from our old feed that we just wanted to share. :)
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Orinthal: Meet Torr
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Meet Torr, the Dwarf Inquistive Rogue as he is hired to solve a mystery, a job that excites him far more than the clean-up jobs that he has been dealing of late. Assisting his innkeeper in finding her assistant, follow along as Torr explores the ruined streets of the Ankhalab Heights District searching for any clues that will lead him not only to the missing people but also to find those who helped to ruin his life. Find out more about his past on our backstories page.
Check back for our other character intros:
Kalima - Now available!
Darryl - Now available!
Syldan - Now available!

Monday Jun 19, 2017
Rules: Drizzt Do'broken
Monday Jun 19, 2017
Monday Jun 19, 2017
We cover the amazing Drizzt Do'urden and how brokenly overpowered his character would be in a 5e campaign setting.
Note: This is a repost from our old feed that we just wanted to share. :)
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Jun 12, 2017
Orinthal: Meet Sarya
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Monday Jun 12, 2017
Meet Sarya, the Aasimar Order of the Immortal Mystic, as she traverses the city of Orinthal looking for answers into her past and her unique powers. Our hero finds herself caught up in a mystery as she learns of a woman she has helped has suddenly gone missing learning others have disappeared as well. Follow her story as she begins to look deeper into these mysterious disappearances and find out more about her past on our backstories page.
Check back for our other character intros!
Torr - Now Available!
Kalima - Now Available!
Daryll - Now available!
Syldan - Now available!

Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Orinthal: Intro Preview
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Tuesday Jun 06, 2017
Here is a brief preview of our Orinthal intro.

Friday Jun 02, 2017
Rules: Time Flies
Friday Jun 02, 2017
Friday Jun 02, 2017
We discuss time and time manipulation spells, discover the amount of cats Bethany and Tony have is classified as "many," and Joshua gets schooled in the followup.
Note: This is a repost from our old feed that we just wanted to share. :)
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Orinthal: A History of the World of Austea
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Introducing the world of Austea and the city of Orinthal where our actual play Dnd 5e game will be taking place.
Welcome the world of Austea and the continent of Nabresal. Recently, the people of Nabresal have had to deal with the constant bombardment of ghouls and dragons as these creatures have traveled across the land. Just over a year ago, a band of adventurers gathered together and were successful in combating this threat eliminating the leaders of this evil force. Now the world has had the chance to recover.
Read more on our World of Austea page. Check our our character backstories!
Sarya - Now available!
Torr - Now available!
Kalima - Now available!
Darryl - Now available!
Syldan - Now available!

Friday Apr 21, 2017
Rules: Giant Sized
Friday Apr 21, 2017
Friday Apr 21, 2017
We all discuss D&D 5e rules regarding how Cloud Giants can ruin all sorts of things from the DMs perspective.
Spoiler Warning: We cover topics in Princes of the Apocalypse as well as some content from the beginning of Storm King's Thunder.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Thursday Apr 20, 2017
Rules: Leap of Fate
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
We all discuss D&D 5e rules regarding terminal velocity and the trials and tribulations of building a summer home on the Ethereal Plane.
Spoiler Warning: We cover topics in Princes of the Apocalypse as well as some content from the beginning of Storm King's Thunder.
Note: This is a repost from our old feed that we just wanted to share. :)
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.