
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Serviceable Plots #10: Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
The party defends the inn from an undead force and are shocked by a sudden betrayal! Akiva puts it all on the line, Scriv cares for the clerics, Belinda keeps it all together, and Valen unleashes his holy power.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy Flaaen for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Want access to behind the scenes content, included unreleased outtakes, adding to the story, and even joining our monthly Patron game? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Ritual Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Monday Jan 07, 2019
Rules: Spellcasting Part 2 (with Death by Mage)
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Spellcasting cannot be contained in a single episode! We return to discuss even more things about spellcasting with our guest Jacky, also known as Death by Mage.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher. Feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.
Interested in helping our friend Jacky? Check him out! You can find him basically everywhere as Death by Mage.
- Website/Blog: deathbymage.com
- Facebook: Death By Mage
- Twitter: @deathbymage
- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/deathbymage
Support our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Dec 31, 2018
Rumble Squad #9: Back in the Fight
Monday Dec 31, 2018
Monday Dec 31, 2018
The party tries to sneakily follow the Spellweaver, but end up getting in another fight! They use all of their abilities to find a way to defeat a new magical foe.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy Flaaen for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Support Our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content, included unreleased outtakes, adding to the story, and even joining our monthly Patron game? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Heroic Age by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Dec 24, 2018
Serviceable Plots #9: You Do Serve the God of Death
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Monday Dec 24, 2018
After rescuing the githzerai, the party seeks to rest at a small inn. Belinda warns the party that the mysterious old woman they met is not who she seems, while Akiva again shares his life story. Scriv gets opportunity to work on some documentation in peace, while Valen uses his divine sense to detect a sinister presence.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy Flaaen for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Want access to behind the scenes content, included unreleased outtakes, adding to the story, and even joining our monthly Patron game? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Dec 17, 2018
Rumble Squad #8: Not Angry, Just Disappointed
Monday Dec 17, 2018
Monday Dec 17, 2018
The party scores some free traps, and treks through the woods in pursuit of the spellweaver. Elean struggles with the darkness, while Luven practices on-the-road poison-making. Vashti continues to provide limited support as she sends them off into the territory of the Lady of Spirits.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy Flaaen for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Support Our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content, included unreleased outtakes, adding to the story, and even joining our monthly Patron game? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Dec 10, 2018
Serviceable Plots #8: Yes, This is Normal
Monday Dec 10, 2018
Monday Dec 10, 2018
The party leaves Ahmiran, much to the relief of Constable Marsk, and Akiva learns about the political insanity that awaits in Orinthal. Belinda and Valen have a painful conversation with a bandit captain, and Scriv prepares to return home to see Paladin Whitecliff.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy Flaaen for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Want access to behind the scenes content, included unreleased outtakes, adding to the story, and even joining our monthly Patron game? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon! Thanks to all of our Adventurer Tier and Above Patrons!
Roy Flaaen
Jeremy D. Kleinhans
Darquise Deshawn Odems
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Dec 03, 2018
Rules: Errata
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Monday Dec 03, 2018
Don't feel like going through the errata that Wizards of the Coast just released? We have done it for you!
Follow us on twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of DnD debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM, do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!

Monday Nov 26, 2018
Rumble Squad #7: Insult to Injury
Monday Nov 26, 2018
Monday Nov 26, 2018
The party meets the sinister spellweaver who leaves them to fend off his hobgoblin minions.
Follow us on Twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our own Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Support our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Heroic Age by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Nov 19, 2018
Serviceable Plots #7: Documentation for the Win
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Belinda and Scriv try to puzzle through the mysterious prophecy, and the academy provides some helpful magic items. Valen and Akiva see the sights in Ahmiran and acquire some fun, definitely not useless trinkets.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Long Note Two by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Nov 12, 2018
Rumble Squad #6: Stealth Mule
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Monday Nov 12, 2018
A mysterious tiger watches the squad as the make their way through the forest to find Egos. Elean organizes a crucial river crossing. Everyone, including anvil, goes into stealth mode as the party closes in on the four-armed figure and the mystery of what happened to Egos.
Follow us on Twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our own Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Support our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Heroic Age by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Nov 05, 2018
Rules: Rules and Rules Lawyers
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Rules as written on rules! Our friend Ross from Dice for Brains joins us for a meta episode where we discuss the role of rules in DnD fifth edition. From being a recovering rules lawyer to handling rulings in game, we share our perspectives on how to use the rules effectively in the game.
Interested in our friend Ross and Dice for Brains? Check them out online:
- Twitter: @DiceForBrains
- Website: http://diceforbrains.com/
- Patreon: Dice for Brains
Follow us on twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of DnD debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!

Monday Oct 29, 2018
Serviceable Plots #6: I’m Takin’ Your Bacon
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Akiva wakes up from his nightmare to get advice from Valen, but fails to hide his distress from Belinda. The party gathers around to eat bacon and plan their next steps, before Belinda and Scriv get shocking news at the academy.
Follow us on twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Fluidscape by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Rumble Squad #5: Nothing Wrong with Snooping
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
Luven shares his shock at the mysterious person who disappeared in front of the alchemy shop, while Nissa defends snooping. Orik teaches his new apprentice how to smith, and Elean uses her knowledge of Thri-kreens to infer a new species. A gentle firbolg alchemist gives the party some direction on where to go next in their search for Egos.
Follow us on Twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our own Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Special thanks to our Patreon supporter Roy for serving as a Producer on this episode!
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Support our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Heroic Age by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Brandenburg Concerto No4-1 BWV1049 - Classical Whimsical by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Oct 15, 2018
Serviceable Plots #5: Deities in Turmoil
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
After defending the port from an undead attack, the party gets a much needed drink at a tavern. Belinda and Valen share their fears about their missing deities. Akiva tries to look on the bright side, and Scriv processes the mayhem from the night.
Follow us on twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
Mesmerize by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Rumble Squad #4: Not Your Performing Monkey
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
The squad tests their skill at carnival games and show of their fancy dance moves. After having a bit too much to drink, they make some new friends in town and finally get a lead on their missing person.
Follow us on Twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our own Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Support our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Heroic Age by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Friday Oct 05, 2018
Jarlaxle Part 2: Dragon Heist Review
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Here is our review of Waterdeep Dragon Heist, which I mainly use as an excuse to continue the discussion on my favorite character in the Forgotten Realms, Jarlaxle! I discuss what I like from the book as a whole and go more in depth into the build of Jarlaxle for 5e in reference to what we’ve discussed before. If you haven’t listened to our Jarlaxle review please do so here. Enjoy!
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Rules: Spellcasting Part 1 (with Death by Mage)
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Today we go over spellcasting and all of the complicating factors involved. What are your thoughts on using components vs an arcane focus? Do you ever have issues remembering the difference between spells known and spells prepared? We are joined today by Jacky also known as Death by Mage.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher. Feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.
Interested in helping our friend Jacky?Check him out! You can find him basically everywhere as Death by Mage.
- Website/Blog: deathbymage.com
- Facebook: Death By Mage
- Twitter: @deathbymage
Support our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Sep 24, 2018
Serviceable Plots #4: Bring Out Your Undead
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Ahmiran falls under attack from mysterious undead and the party leaps into action to save the city! Scriv coordinates a rescue, Akiva runs for the leader, Belinda targets the leader, and Valen shows why he gets good boots.
Follow us on twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Sep 17, 2018
Rumble Squad #3: The Big Child & Normal-Sized Children
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Nissa recovers from her near death experience, and the squad discovers they have rescued some adorable children! The make their way to town to return the children and get some answers about their quest.
Follow us on Twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our own Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Tabletop Loot
Thanks to our friends at Tabletop Loot, right now you can go to TabletopLoot.com and use the promo code RAW to get 15% on any dice that you order from them! We’ve started using some of their orange sherbert dice during our games, and we love them! They have so many other gorgeous dice to choose from, and even a dice subscription loot box where you can get beautiful new dice every month!
Support our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Heroic Age by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Sep 10, 2018
Serviceable Plots #3: Dressed to Impress
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Valen dresses to impress as the party prepares to meet the constable in Ahmiran’s barracks. Akiva’s clever disguise fails to pass muster, and Belinda and Scriv keep telepathic lines of communication open.
Follow us on twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Samantha Darcy
Today we are highlighting Samantha Darcy, known as 65th Victor in Twitter, an incredibly talented artist who creates gorgeous character art, among other things. You can find Samantha on:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/samdarcy
Ko-Fi: http://ko-fi.com/samdarcy
Twitter: @65thVictor
Twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/samanthadarcy/profile
Tumblr: http://samanthadarcy.tumblr.com
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
"Royalty Free Music from Bensound"
Thunderbird Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Sep 03, 2018
Rules: Multiclassing
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Today we go over multiclassing and how it is used, or abused, in game. How may of you use multiclassing in your games? Do you feel it can make a character overpowered? How has multiclassing helped you design that perfect character concept? We are joined today by Rob of The Nerd's Commute Podcast. Check out the first episode of now on Podbean on Session Zero!
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher. Feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.
Support our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Aug 27, 2018
Rumble Squad #2: Very Sneaky, Much Attack
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
The party find themselves in a battle for their lives! Elean beast shapes, Orik heats up some metal, Luven hurls some vials, and Nissa does some serious sneak attacking! After nearly twenty days of travel they near the end of their journey.
Follow us on Twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our own Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
Support our Patreon
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? You can get access to special shoutouts, behind the scenes content, and even the chance to join us in the game. We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Rachael Swertfeger / Jade Vala
Today we are highlighting our very own, Rachael Swertfeger, known as Jade Vala, who has numerous creative projects you can support. Rachael is on:
Twitter: @rbswertfeger and @EpicEndingsPod
Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/jadevala
Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/JadeValaDesigns
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JadeVala
Buy prints http://createwithdph.com/@JadeVala
Heroic Age by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Aug 20, 2018
Serviceable Plots #2: Fried Fish Discovery
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
The party bonds over cheating at games, sparring, shared silence, and the wondrous taste of fried fish. Belinda, Scriv, Valen, and Akiva travel to the port city of Ahmiran to find this mysterious cleric.
Follow us on twitter @RulesAsWritten or email us at dm@dndraw.com. We'd also love to hear from you! We have our own Discord server, which allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.
+1 Pen of Smiting
Today we are highlighting +1 Pen of Smiting, a talented artist who creates, among other things, amazing cartoons for many of our favorite actual play podcasts. +1 Pen of Smiting is on:
Twitter: @PenOfSmiting
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/penofsmiting
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penofsmiting/
Tumblr: https://penofsmiting.tumblr.com/
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/L4L0CIOW
Want access to behind the scenes content while earning our undying gratitude? We would be thrilled if you support us on Patreon!
Dark Matter
You can still catch our Dark Matter one shot on Twitch and there’s six days left on the Kickstarter! Dark Matter is a full science fiction conversion for 5th Edition that unlocks a universe of adventure for your table, without leaving your favorite fantasy staples behind.
Darkest Child A by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Aug 13, 2018
Rumble Squad #1: Need to Talk to Your Mule
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Here is the introduction to one of our two groups for our new campaign. Meet the Rumble Squad:
Elean Foxe, the human barbarian-druid.
Orik Fireforge, the dwarven cleric.
Nissa Turen, the gnome rogue.
Luven Cromdel, the half-elf artificer.
Join the new group as they receive their first quest and begin their journey in the world of Austea!
Also, we started a Patreon! Please come show your support by going to https://www.patreon.com/dndraw.
Interested in helping our friend Jacky?Check him out! You can find him basically everywhere as Death by Mage.
- Website/Blog: deathbymage.com
- Facebook: Death By Mage
- Twitter: @deathbymage
Heroic Age by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Aug 06, 2018
Serviceable Plots #1: Pseudodragons and Board Games
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Join the new group as they receive their first quest and begin their journey in the world of Austea! Here is the introduction to one of our two groups for our new campaign. Meet Serviceable Plots:
Belinda Walsingham, the half-elf psionicist
Scriv Whitecliff, the human rogue
Akiva Khonshu, the shadar-kai warlock
Valen Blackwater, the aasimar paladin-monk
Also, we started a Patreon! Please come show your support by going to https://www.patreon.com/dndraw.

Monday Jul 30, 2018
Rules: Jarlaxle
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
This episode we discussed another character from the Drizzt Series, Jarlaxle D'aerthe, and his very, very impressive arsenal of magical items. Not to mention all of the swagger to match the magic items he possesses. We are joined today by Jeremy, the creator of the upcoming actual play Midknight Kingdoms!
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher. Feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Jul 23, 2018
Rumble Squad: Pre-Shot #2
Monday Jul 23, 2018
Monday Jul 23, 2018
We are giving a sneak peak at what we have been preparing for in our Season 2 of our actual play! Today is a glimpse at one of the two parties that will be featured in the upcoming season. This is part 2 of the story so make sure if you haven't seen part 1 to check it out here! So listen in and enjoy meeting the team, The Rumble Squad!
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Jul 16, 2018
Rules: Plot Points
Monday Jul 16, 2018
Monday Jul 16, 2018
We discuss the rules on Plot Points - a variant option for DnD5e. Does giving players more agency create challenges in the game? We are joined by Nathan, of The Talent Agency podcast, to discuss what works, what doesn't, and what other systems have to offer.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher. Feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Jul 09, 2018
Rumble Squad: Pre-Shot #1
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
We are giving a sneak peak at what we have been preparing for in our Season 2 of our actual play! Today is a glimpse at one of the two parties that will be featured in the upcoming season. This is just part 1 of the story so make sure to stay tuned for part 2! So listen in and enjoy meeting the team, The Rumble Squad!
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Jun 25, 2018
The New Gods of Austea
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
For Orinthal, we borrowed from the Forgotten Realms when it came to deities but when it comes to our upcoming Season 2 we are bringing in a whole knew Pantheon. Listen in and learn about how the Pantheon of Austea was formed and how each of these deities influenced the world.
Frozen Star by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Jun 18, 2018
How Austea has Changed
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Join us as we explore what has happened in the world of Austea as we begin preparing for the events of Season 2 of our actual play podcast. This time our episode is narrated by Rebecca.
Today’s episode includes a promo for Tails from the Dark Dragons Inn! Check them out at Tails from the Dark Dragon Inn, and tell them we sent you. ;)
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Jun 11, 2018
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Review
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
I discuss the monsters and lore that was used in our Podcast of Foes episode while giving a review of the book Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. If you want to check out our Podcast of Foes episode, The Justice Crew, you can do so here.
*Spoilers for the Justice Crew Episode*
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday Jun 04, 2018
Rules: Critical Success and Failure
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Monday Jun 04, 2018
We discuss the rules on Critical Success and Failures: With the rules so light on the subject, how do you treat it in your game? What spectacular things happen on a natural 1? We are joined by Francesco, of the Hapless Heroes podcast, a show set in the homebrew world of Telduria with a rotating cast of players and DMs who have an aptitude for rolling poorly.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday May 28, 2018
Orinthal #20: Epilogue
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
The party makes their choices and forges their own futures. Sarya looks to a bright yet challenging future. Torr faces the consequences of his deal. Kalima’s duty takes her far with the Nephenee. Darryl’s ambitions rise. Syldan forges a newer and stronger monastery. As the party that was forced together to deal with a great and terrible threat now look to the future, it is time to learn what they choose to do for the rest of their lives.
Today’s episode includes a promo for Epic Endings Podcast! A show created by Rachael who plays Kalima! Check them out at Epic Endings, and tell them we sent you. ;)
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Wednesday May 23, 2018
The Justice Crew: With Bonus Content
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Our Podcasts of Foes One-Shot!
Meet The Justice Crew, Nyx the gnome warlock, Rikas the half-elf stone sorcerer, Chet the human fighter, Immeral the firbolg cleric, and Hera the eladrin ranger, rogue, fighter. The Justice Crew faces their most difficult challenge to date as they must save the high elven town of Alyabel from an experiment gone wrong. The party must deal with hordes of fiendish creatures if they want to save the day. Immeral heals the wounded, Chet blows up some enemies, Hera slays some fiends, Rikas smashes an orb, and Nyx rises up to meet the challenge! Thank you again to Victoria Rogers of the Broadswords podcast and Wizards of the Coast for including us as part of the Podcasts of Foes!
Today’s episode includes a promo for The Broadswords Podcast! Check them out at The Broadswords Podcast, and tell them we sent you. ;)
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday May 21, 2018
Rules: Tool Proficiency Part 2 (Serviceable Pots)
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
Part two on the discussion of the rules on Tool Proficiency and Crafting: What is the worst tool proficiency? Can you make a serviceable pot? We are joined by Mike and Giuseppe, of the Bookwyrms podcast, a show where the pair of DMs pull their favorite mechanics from other systems and how that can be incorporated into D&D 5e.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Tuesday May 15, 2018
Announcements for Podcasts of Foes and More
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Tuesday May 15, 2018
Just some announcements for some of our major upcoming events:
- Our Podcasts of Foes episode is out on the Dungeon Delve Feed
- We are launching our discord server today where we will be available to talk tonight at 7pm eastern. Click Here to join our general voice channel!
- Our final Orinthal Episode is coming out May 28th
- We are preparing for our actualplay season 2
All theses and much more exciting things coming in the future!

Monday May 14, 2018
Orinthal #19: Kalima Smiles
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
With Ralayan defeated and the Whispered Ones stopped the party faces the repercussions of their actions. The party is brought before King Vremor Rein as Sarya and Syldan must answer for the crimes they are accused of. Torr deals with his death and revival as Darryl prepares for an epic library session in the coming days. With their trials over the past few days behind them, the party can now look towards the future and are even a bit surprised when they actually see Kalima smile.
Make sure to visit Dungeon Delve today May 14 to listen to our Podcast of Foes Episode!
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
We have our own Discord server! Communication with you all has always been important to us and our Discord allows us to directly engage with you beyond Twitter. Join us as we chat about rules, characters, and RPGs in general.

Monday May 07, 2018
Rules: Crafting and Tool Proficiency Part 1
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
We discuss the rules on Tool Proficiency and Crafting: How much realism do you want in your game? What tools do you actually use in a game? We are joined by Mike and Giuseppe, of the Bookwyrms podcast, a show where the pair of DMs pull their favorite mechanics from other systems and how that can be incorporated into D&D 5e.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Apr 23, 2018
Rules: Surprise and Vision
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
We discuss the rules on surprise and vision this week: how far can you see with normal vision? What does surprise actually mean? We are joined by Will, of the Plane Shift podcast, an actual play podcast with planeswalkers within a homebrewed world.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Apr 16, 2018
Orinthal #18: The Fate of Orinthal
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
The party faces Ralayan in a climactic showdown. Syldan strikes out for his master, Kalima follows the calling of her god, Torr trains his eyes on the leader of the Whispered Ones, Daryll releases his fireball, and Sarya frees a fellow survivor. As the hand of death comes down, the only question that remains, is this ragtag group of adventurers capable of saving Orinthal?
Today’s episode includes a promo for Legion of Renob, a podcast where theatrical people play roleplaying games! Check them out at Legion of Renob, and tell them we sent you. ;)
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Apr 09, 2018
Rules: PC Death
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
We discuss the rules on player character death this week: how it can happen, how to prevent or fix it, and even a little on how to cause it for all those evil DMs out there. This week as we are joined by Rob, who hosts Kaiju FM and specifically the Loremasters podcast, a show on items, groups, and people as well as how they could fit into a campaign.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Apr 02, 2018
Orinthal #17: Going Up?
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
As the party make their way into the Regeant’s Seat they discuss what they know they need to do next before realizing that the only place left to go, is up the wizard’s tower. The battle for the fate of Orinthal is about to begin!
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Mar 26, 2018
Rules: Level Up
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
We discuss the rules on different methods for character advancement both within D&D 5e as well as a few different systems found in other Table Top RPGs. We go a little rules light this week as we are joined by Brian, the DM for The Room Where It Happened, an actual play podcast set within Brian's custom Dungeons and Dragons world of Luume.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Mar 19, 2018
Orinthal #16: The Final Countdown
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
After a very long and trying day the party finally gets the opportunity to rest before their final confrontation with Ralayan. They discuss plans, disguise themselves, and pray to find a way to stop the Whispered Ones before they can put their plan into action. As the party makes their way towards the confrontation with Ralayan, Kalima is given a vision of the true evil that this entity is capable of and the knowledge that he must be stopped at all costs.
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Mar 12, 2018
Rules: Grappling and Travel
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
We discuss the D&D 5e rules on the benefits of grappling and surviving while traveling between settlements. We are joined this week by Scott, the DM for Seasons of Skyrend, an actual play podcast set within Scott's custom Dungeons and Dragons world. Check the show notes for the text of rules we talk about.
Have you ever found yourself after a game of Dnd debating over a particular rule that came up and trying to figure out as a group how to break it? As a DM do you get that feeling of dread when your player says, "If you look at it this way?" Well we decided to turn that into a podcast. A group of DMs come together every episode as we discuss how, rules as written, we can figure out how to maximize what we can do with a rule and how we can use other rules to break the game.
Each episode we will be joined by a guest, including DMs from some of our favorite podcasts, get a sneak peek behind the DM screen from some of our favorite shows as they share their own thoughts and experiences on a particular rule and how it has affected their games.
Please feel free to jump in on our discussions by leaving us a comment on Podbean, iTunes, Googleplay, or Stitcher. Or feel free to email me at dm@dndraw.com or send us a tweet to @rulesaswritten and let us know how the rule may have come up during one of your games or how you figured out a way to break the game that we did not discuss.

Monday Mar 05, 2018
Orinthal #15: Isolated Pawns
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
The party finishes the fight against their enemies and gathers together for a moment in order to recover and try to press on in what they come to realize are incredibly dire odds. Exhausted they discuss what they know and theorize as to the true goal of this Ralayan, hoping to stop him. Kalima comes to terms with what Melekah became, Torr faces a Darakhoul again after so many years, Darryl lights things up, Syldan has finally found his little ones, and Sarya searches a memory and is able to look into the true face of their enemy!
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Feb 26, 2018
A Visit to Nilbog's Tavern
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
We joined Patrick from the Sea Dogs Podcast in one of his new shows Nilbog's Tavern where Vral, Kalima, Sarya, Syldan, Torr, and Daryll all get a chance to relax for a moment and talk with the goblin proprieter of the tavern, Nilbog! Listen in and join us on a fantastic little break from the fight against the Whispered Ones! To listen to the full episode check it out at the Seadogs Podcast and look for Nilbog's Tavern Episode 4. So definitely check them out, and tell them we sent you. ;)

Monday Feb 19, 2018
Orinthal #14: Dark Discoveries
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
The face-off against Melekah begins! Syldan rushes to the aid of his little ones, Sarya takes the brunt of attacks, Daryll summons his Flaming Sphere, Torr finds himself stunned, and Kalima follows her calling to put the undead down for good!
Hero Down by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Monday Feb 12, 2018
What's Next for DnD Raw
Monday Feb 12, 2018
Monday Feb 12, 2018
We mention the future of the podcast from the upcoming "Tales from the Table" series, to more Rules as Written episodes with special guest stars, and the future of Austea beyond Orinthal! Thank you again for all of your support!
Today’s episode includes a promo for the Seadogs Podcast! We even joined them in a show from one of their characters, Nilbog at Nilbog's Tavern! So definitely check them out, and tell them we sent you. ;)